I am Significant
My husband felt like the Lord wanted a friend of ours, Jill*, to know something. He pulled Jill and I aside to share with her what God had shown him. My husband is a man of many wise words but what the encouragement boiled down to was, “You are a big deal.”
For my husband and I, when we realize we’ve believed lies, we renounce the lies and declare the truth. In the same way, he encouraged her to speak out loud, “I’m a big deal.” But she struggled with the idea of saying it, because it felt prideful. After discussing it further, Jill said she’d take it and pray about it instead of just saying something she wasn’t sure about (Totally do this friends! God will clarify if it was or wasn’t Him. Just ask!).
The next time I saw Jill, she shared with me that she had gone to one of her friend’s houses during that week. Her friend was pregnant and was showing off her prepared nursery. This couple had struggled getting pregnant and had waited with anticipation to have this baby, and FINALLY they were going to have this precious one they had dreamt of. On the wall in the nursery was the initial of the soon to be born baby’s name and underneath that was written, “You’re a big deal.”
Jill realized God’s heart for herself in that moment. Just as her friends had been looking forward to this precious baby they were about to meet, God excitedly designed Jill and waited for her time to be born. He knew the joy that would come from her life. God loves her so much. It’s not according to the accomplishments that she has or hasn’t done. It’s not according to what she will do. God is so in love with her. She is a big deal.
Every person is very significant.
I think, in attempt to be humble, we’ve normalized the idea that “I’m no one special.” or “I’m worthless.” That’s not true. You are a big deal.
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:10
You are God’s masterpiece! God created you and has good things planned for you to do! You were created for a purpose!
Jill’s friend’s baby is being declared over that she is a big deal. Whether or not this baby grows up to believe it or not doesn’t change the fact that it’s true. If we don’t grasp the truth about our identity that God had a specific design for each one of us and laid out plans ahead of time for us to accomplish, we will submit to a lesser life than God created us for. And though we don’t want to confuse the things God lets us accomplish with Him as our identity, we can’t subtract the beauty that is God’s good things he planned for us to colabor with Him to accomplish.
You are a big deal. You are a masterpiece. You have purpose. The world benefits from you choosing to believe what God says about you.
*not her real name
Reginna Luna
When she comes across a "mom break" (aka sleeping children), Reginna will most likely be found snuggled up to her husband, cooking, or reading. Being a co-founder of The Renewal Project, she loves the opportunity to minister life, love, and hope found in Jesus.